Take a movement break
In this free 17-minute class you have a chance to see how you feel after some Rosen Method Movement!
Rosen Movement is an experiential offering; that is, you can't really get a true sense of what it has to offer unless you follow along with the movement and awareness cues. Rosen movements are deceptively simple and highly effective. So while this free class cannot offer you Cirque du Soleil-style entertainment (hardly!) it is an opportunity to feel better in your body.
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Moving the body as it is designed to move

I’m Karen Peters and I help people get out of habitual or stuck ways of moving in the world and into a more playful, grounded, aware, and gentle relationship with their bodies.
Some of my clients describe this work as WD-40 for the joints. Others say it’s their therapy, that it brings them more deeply into themselves and into an embodied and spacious present. And still others just enjoy moving their bodies to great music!
I am a Rosen Movement and Alexander Technique teacher and a Senior Rosen Movement teacher trainer with 20+ years of service. I deeply love teaching things that really matter to people’s experience of their lives and of their very being.